My heart is clouded over
and nowhere to be found,
I wish that I also won't find
the words I want to say.
However, our vow is mixed in with pain...
Right now,
I'm fighting it away,
what could I possibly do?
Do you understand? What's
desired and pulsates,
"The beginning" will be on
the receiving end
of despair.
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Lyrics are from Pray - Haruka Chisuga.

Let's forge our ideals, include love in with them
Lex • Lexington ║ Ray • Rachel
kin names okay
21 | Genderflux | 💌
xe / xim / xier pronouns (example)
no they / them pronouns please
It's what I wish, afterall
My constant interests are:
❱ Fire Emblem (13, 15, 16)
❱ Angels of Death
❱ Idol anime (Enstars, hypmic)
❱ Danganronpa
❱ D&D (Taz balance + amnesty, Critrole)
❱ Dream Smp
In general I rt:
❱ Pokemon
❱ Persona
❱ rpgmaker games
❱ Final Fantasy xv
❱ Nintendo games (Splatoon, Animal crossing)
❱ Vocaloid
❱ General seasonal anime

Down below, down below, into the sea of dreams
I'm mainly active on Twitter and Discord, but I've recently gotten back on Tumblr.
❱ I love talking to people! Feel free to reply to my tweets or message me in dms even if we've never talked before!
❱ I usually unfollow if I follow and haven't been followed back after some time.
❱ I'm Okay with minors following me, but please remember I am an adult.
❱ Unfollow by softblocking, if you could let me know why after on cc (on or off anon) I'd appreciate it.

Don't Follow me If:
❱ The general dfi criteria.
❱ You support fictional incest or pedophilia.
❱ You read Killing Stalking and it is not for coping reasons.
❱ You believe that m/f pairings are not as valid as visually same gender parings.
❱ You actively post about K-Pop Idols on your main account.
❱ You are in any way involved with Voltron anti-discourse.
❱ You kin Issac Foster or Eichi Tenshouin.
Before you Follow:
❱ I need Skulls and Bones tagged, especially Animal Skulls.
❱ Catch-all I use is [LDL] if you are tweeting pictures of these.
❱ I might be weary of you if you go by the name Cathy, it has personal attachment for me.
I might be weary of you If you kin: Natsume Sakasaki, DIO, Tharja (fe:a).

❱ Lex or Lexington
❱ My birthday is on July 13th
❱ Lesbian + Engaged (2/15/20)
❱ White , able bodied , neurodivergent
❱ System host, DM me for more info (I tweet about this rarely)
❱ Lex is my name, but sometimes I have Rachel as my display name because I get anxious.
❱ I'm super, super forgetful! You might have to remind me about things.
❱ While I really want to make more friends, I'm really shy! I usually follow mutuals personal accts to try to talk to people more because I'm too anxious to message people.
❱ It's very, very hard for me to consistently like/interact with personal posts, if you need me to interact I will try my best, but I can't guarantee I always will.
❱ Empath
❱ Cancer sun, Cancer moon, Aries rising
❱ Ghost / Grass type
❱ Lawful Good Human Bard (lvl 3) (x)
❱ Melancholic temperament
❱ #AFEEEE (x)
❱ Rainbow Shade: Intensely White (x)
❱ GREEN (helper/supporter) (x)
❱⠀ Don't follow me if you kin Rachel Gardner or know someone who does.
❱⠀ I do take kin seriously but not to extremes.
❱ If you'd like to know more about any of my kins, or are looking for canonmates, feel free to message me! I love talking about my kins!

❱ Please do not follow doubles of Rachel Gardner! She is me irl, I cannot handle doubles. If you follow someone else who kins her, please do not follow me!
❱ I tend to block people who kin Rachel Gardner, Issac Foster, and Eichi Tenshouin. It's not personal, I just don't want to see people who also kin them.
❱ I'm not comfortable with doubles of Heroine or Santa! If you follow someone else who kins one of them, you might not want to follow me.
Core: (no doubles)
❱ Rachel Gardner (Angels of Death)
Literally Me: (no doubles)
❱ Heroine (Amnesia: Memories)
❱ Santa (9 persons 9 doors 9 hours)
Main IDs: (doubles okay)
❱ Robin (Fire Emblem Awakening)
❱ Goro Akechi (Persona 5)
❱ Will Ash (Survival)
❱ Komaru Naegi (Dangan Ronpa: Another Episode)
Primary IDs: (doubles okay)
❱ Byleth Eisner (Fire Emblem Three Houses)
❱ Doppo Kannonzaki (Hypnosis Mic)
❱ Kokichi Ouma (new Dangan Ronpa V3)
❱ Keito Hasumi (Ensemble Stars)
❱ Shiori Kanzaki (Forest of Drizzling Rain)
❱ Ib (Ib)
Secondary IDs: (doubles okay)
❱ Komaeda (What the Hell)
❱ Subaru Akehoshi (Ensemble Stars)
❱ Felix Hugo Fraldarius (Fire Emblem Three Houses)
❱ Mipha (Loz: Breath of the Wild)
❱ Elizabeth (Persona 3)
❱ Rin Kagamine (Vocaloid)
Primary Kins: (doubles okay)
❱ Selkie (Fire Emblem Fates)
❱ Russel Seager (End Roll)
❱ Kamui (Fire Emblem Fates)
❱ Sylvain (TAZ: Amnesty)
❱ Celica (Fire Emblem Echoes)
❱ Ibara Saegusa (Ensemble Stars)
❱ Lunafreya Nox Fleuret (Final Fantasy XV)
❱ Padme Amidala (Star Wars)
❱ Crystal (Pokemon Special)
Secondary Kins: (doubles okay)
❱ Yama (Parasomniac Peach)
❱ Eri (Boku no Hero Academia)
❱ MC (Mystic Messenger)
❱ Anzu (Ensemble Stars)
❱ Alice Lidell (Alice in Wonderland)
❱ Tenmei Kakyoin (JoJos Bizarre Adventure)
❱ Marinette Dupain-cheng (Miraculous Ladybug)
❱ Luke Von Fabre (Tales of the Abyss)
❱ Kiran (Fire Emblem Heroes)
Coping Kin
❱ Naho Takamiya - Orange (Ichigo Tanako)
❱ Kakeru Naruse - Orange (Ichigo Tanako)
❱ Kitty White (Hello Kitty)
❱ Popuko - Pop Team Epic
❱ Natsuki - Doki Doki Lit. Club
❱ Space kin
❱ Royalty kin
» Pyrrha Nikos (RWBY)
» Agent Carolina (RvB)
» Pink Crewmate (Among Us)
Idol Games:
I love!!! Kaoru Hakaze!!!!!! I'm a big KaoruP!!Super big TrickstarP!!!I'm also a UndeadP and Ra*bitsP!I'm not a fan of Wataru Hibiki and Natsume Sakasaki, but I don't post hate of them.I like quite a few pairings and I have gender headcanons, but I usually don't rt ship art on my main account.---
I really, really love Fling Posse and Ramuda Amemura!I also like Matenrou and Buster Bros!I dislike Mad Trigger Crew for personal reasons, but people who love them are valid and I don't post hate of them.
General Twitter Interests:
Fire Emblem: Awakening
a large special interest of mine, I'll never shut up about it if you gave me the chanceI have over 100 hours in my current save and over 300 hours in totalAngels of Death
Please play the game instead of watching the anime there is a no commentary playthrough right here I am begging youFaves go Zack > Cathy > Eddie > Danny > Reverend but that doesn't mean I don't like all of the characters!Danganronpa
Ibuki Mioda is my ult fave!!!!!!!I really like Ultra Despair Girls and nDRv3--
Ask me about other things! I don't really know what else to list here.
1bitheart ☆
Always sometimes monsters
Angels of Death
Animal Crossing: new leaf
Animal Crossing: happy home designer
Animal Crossing: New Horizons
Amnesia: memories
At the Tale End ☆
Bastion ☆
Broken age
Danganronpa: trigger happy havoc
Super Danganronpa 2 ☆
Danganronpa: Another Episode
new Danganronpa v3 ☆
Devil survivor ☆
Devil survivor 2 ☆
Ensemble stars
End Roll
Farethere City
Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War ☆
Fire Emblem: awakening
Fire Emblem: fates
Fire Emblem: echoes ☆
Fire Emblem: Three Houses ☆
Hatoful boyfriend
Hatoful boyfriend: holiday star ☆
Hello Charlotte ☆
Hypnosis Microphone
Liar Jeannie ☆
Long live the queen
Mystic messenger ☆
Persona 3 ☆
Persona 5 ☆
Phoenix Wright: ace attorney trilogy ☆
Pokemon (all main games)
Pokemon mystery dungeon: explorers of time/darkness/sky
Pokemon super mystery dungeon ☆
Shovel knight ☆
Sims 3
Sims 4
Standstill Girl ☆
Stardew valley
Super smash bros 4
Syrup and the ultimate sweet
Tales of the abyss ☆
The Gray Garden ☆
Tomodachi life
Transistor ☆
Wadanohara ☆
Yume Nikki ☆
Zero escape: 999
Zero escape: zero time dilemma ☆
People/gaming content producers:
Achievement Hunter
Dream SMP
Game grumps
Monster Factory
Mr. Fruit
Rooster teeth
Scott Jund
Wilbur Soot
This is a list of content that I own /
have watched people play /
watched myself
Starred (☆) are unfinished things!
There's a good chance this list is almost always outdated if I get into new things or stop watching certain content creators.
Bojack Horseman
Brooklyn Nine-Nine ☆
Critical Role: Campaign 2 ☆
My little pony: friendship is magic ☆
Red vs Blue ☆
Rwby ☆
The Adventure Zone: Balance
The Adventure Zone: Amnesty
The Adventure Zone: Graduation ☆
Alice in the country of hearts
Are you Alice? ☆
Fruits basket ☆
Goodnight punpun ☆
Jojos bizarre adventure (parts 1-4)
Kiznavier ☆
Little witch academia ☆
Ouran high school host club ☆
Pandora Hearts ☆
Seraph of the end ☆
Your lie in april ☆
Vocaloid producers
Project overdoze
Scream vendor
Utaite singers:
E ve
Ito kashitaro
Krad ness
96 neko
Support List
S-Support (partner)
❱ [redacted]
A+-Support (qpps)
❱ Crow
❱ Molly
A-Support (family)
❱ Emery
❱ Morgan
B-Support (best friends)
❱ Hunter
C- Support (friends)
❱ Agata
❱ Aliya
❱ Ally
❱ Blue
❱ Captain
❱ Clementine
❱ Delia
❱ Lucian
❱ Jojo
❱ Mafer
❱ Mimi
❱ Nellie
❱ Peri
❱ Sam
❱ Sude
❱ Ten
❱ Trucy
Okay to ask to be added! I love my friends
Let me know if you're going to add me on anything that's not twitter or tumblr, so I'll know who it is and I don't accidentally block you!
Discord: 🌻🌻#9073
Curious Cat: deathless
Twitter: piious
Tumblr: aodray
Ao3: irlheroine
Flight Rising: Elfire #342712
Pokefarm: Arcfire
3ds friend code: 0791 - 4376 - 6234
Switch code: SW - 2213 - 8028 - 2919
Fire Emblem Heroes: 7361365177
AC Pocket Camp: 51712388358
Twitter Accounts:
Main: @piious
Art: @lex_draws
Kin: @romopda
Vent: ask to follow
Nsfw: ask to follow
** I'm very selective about who follows my vent and nsfw